Bowen University. 100 Level.
I was saved. It had taken several trips to the altar… 🙂 .. but at a point, I had surrendered my life and really meant it. As a fresher, I was enjoying the experience and basically going through the motions. Class. Chapel. Cafeteria. CCC. It was fun but I felt there was something more.
It was around this period that I met a leader in our campus fellowship. He was the coordinator of the Voluntary Bible Study that held every Monday. From a distance, I was fascinated by this fellow. He was different. He shared God’s word with an enthusiasm and joy that was obvious. Also, he was quite fun to be with and gist with. On the few occasions I went to his room, I felt he was a normal guy. A man of like passions. He enjoyed playing and watching football. To cut the long story, he was someone I could relate to.
Before I go on, another part of his nature that I enjoyed was his relationship with his fiancée. Awwn awwn *covers face* and *runs away*. They were an exemplary duo. Let me stop here.
For Iremide, it was a delight seeing this kind of person. He made me realize that a personal relationship with Christ was possible. He made me understand that my personality is part of my gospel. He walked around with a smile. He loved God and genuinely cared about people.
For this young boy seeking something different, he served as a catalyst. There were several amazing people who crossed my path and each of them changed my life. If Christ tarries, I would talk (and write) about several of them. But today, I want to appreciate God for the gift of a catalyst – Passie. Ojo Oluwaseun. God bless you sir.
That was part of my story. As you read, did anyone come to your mind? Anyone who helped set you on the path of spiritual growth and fruitfulness? I would love to read from you…and you never know who would be blessed reading your story. So, comment and share J Thank you!
PS! The catalyst discussed in this story is married to that adorable lady who was his fiancée. *insert dancing smiley* One of my favourite couples!
3 people came to mind. One minute, they’re stern and “spirikoko”, next they are up and about playing and even follow sport like every regular student on Campus.
I can’t thank God enough for these cloud of witnesses. We are surrounded by many, just as we are to others.
I really like your words. Especially the last phrase: “Just as we are to others”. There are people watching and looking up to us. We wouldn’t mislead them. We wouldn’t fail God. Amen.
Someone once said: God gives gifts to men; He gives men as gifts.
Truly God gives men as gifts and those spiritual catalysts are gifts to be treasured! I remember Ojo Oluwaseun had a profound impact on me back on campus, I was a fresher, he was in his final year, yet we related. His passion & simplicity of teaching the Word made me fall in love with Voluntary Bible Study. It also helped me connect easily with 3 other people who have and are still playing a major role in my faith walk.
Thank God for these gifts of men!
Wonderful! Truly, God gives men as gifts! May we value those he has given us. May we also be gifts to others around us. Amen. Thanks for reading, Silas
I started unveiled two weeks ago. I couldn’t continue until yesterday when I felt the nudge to pick it up again.
Reading it through brought me here to read Catalyst: Ripples.
Many people come to mind when it comes to spiritual growth and loving the Lord. Two caught me earlier for the Lord. EwaOluwa Babatunde, AimPurpose. Thank you for the journey into finding purpose. And a host of others, who keep investing. Thank you IremideAkinsola. For unveiled, even though I’ve read only one story.
We ain’t wasting these investments.
Thank you so much for the encouragement. It is really helpful and timely.
Thank God for Ewaoluwa and AimPurpose. For the role they have played and are playing in your life.
I’m also thankful for you because I believe you also are a catalyst.
Thank God for Unveiled! I keep going back to it over and over again. Learning. Growing. Getting better.
God bless you, Oluwaseunayofunmi.
First of all, let me appreciate you Iremide (Bishop) for the gift of the book ‘Unveiled’. I started reading yesterday. I’ve not been able to drop it since service ended today. I’ve garnered lessons and I made sure to write them down.
One of the many catalysts I had then while in school is Toluwanimi Bankole (Tbanks). we were roommates in 100L. I don’t think I ever mentioned it to her. she inspired me in so many ways while in Bowen University.
Wow. This is nice in a lot of ways! I’m really happy you’re enjoying the book.
Tbanks is a big catalyst and a positive influence on me. It’s great to see that she’s also a positive part of your story 😀