
Asake mi, I can’t believe the day has finally come. Time really does fly. I still remember the first day I set my eyes on you. It really was love at first sight. Your skin was so smooth and your smile melted my heart just as it still does. I remember how you looked into my eyes that day as if you had met me before. The joy in my heart that day in the labour room cannot be described, my dear daughter. I loved you even before I saw you and I’ll always do. You are strong just like your mother; my wife.

I still remember the day you took your first steps. I remember your first words: “Poo-poo”. I remember watching you try to eat amala and ewedu for the first time and how you scattered the house when you couldn’t find your toy. Not all the memories I have are pleasant though. I remember several incidents when I and your mother collaborated to beat you and discipline you when it was necessary. I’m sure even you would testify that those corrections made you a better person.

Watching you take care of your younger ones, I could see the traits of a mother in you. I have to admit that it takes serious patience to answer questions that don’t seem to make sense. Also, I know that it takes serious work to endure the salty taste of a child’s urine or the smell of a dirty diaper. Yet, you did all these and more for your siblings, all in a bid to help your mother. For this, I am grateful. More importantly though, I remember the nights when we would peep into your room to say “Goodnight” and we would meet you studying your Bible or praying. Nothing gives me greater joy than knowing that you love the Lord and that you have surrendered your life to Him.


Finally, as the vehicle pulls up in front of the church, I know that the time has well and truly come. The time has come for me to walk you down the aisle in the church and hand you over to your husband. So, from today, my little baby will become a wife and God willing, in the next few years, my little baby will have her own little babies. *smiles* I pray that God blesses your union and gives you an exemplary Christian home. I pray that God will bless you with “God-chasing” children and that your seeds will possess the gates of their enemies. I pray that…*sobs*… I pray that…*sobs*… I pray that Jesus will be the head of your home and that you will live every single moment of your life for Him. Congratulations, my daughter.

With Love from Daddy!

PS. The story is fictional. 🙂

Photo credit: Internet

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