“That man standing at the junction is a military man.”

“Haba! How can you know that a stranger is a military man just by looking at him?”

“I can know o. Okay, look at how he is standing. Look at his broad shoulders. Look at his biceps. Look at his stomach. No pot belly there o. Now, look at his hair, he does not have bushy hair. He also does not have plenty facial hair.”

“Omo! You are trying o. See the plenty things you have mentioned just from a short observation. Maybe you should join the military too. I actually agree with your points, but I am wondering, what if he is a security officer but not a military man?

What if he is just a normal person who cares about his fitness? We can’t conclude he is a military person, just because his external features are like theirs.”

“Hmm. You have a point. So how do we confirm?”

“Well, we ask him. In medicine, symptoms are vital, but diagnosis is important. Also, correlation is not causation.

A person can look like a soldier, talk like a soldier and even dress like a soldier and not be a soldier. A person can only be a soldier if he has been identified as such by the army.

He must have gone through the required training, and he must choose to abide by the rules and regulations. To be soldier no be by mouth or even by looks.”

Dear believer, are you a soldier for Christ? You might look like a Christian and talk like one, but have you truly surrendered your life to Christ? Have you enlisted in the army of God?

See ehn, when the Master returns, He will come for those who are His. He will come for those who are marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

Are you a soldier for Christ? Or are you just acting the part?

If you are choosing to enlist in the Lord’s Army, kindly say this prayer: “Heavenly Father, I come before you today and acknowledge that I am a sinner. I acknowledge that you died to set me free. I ask that you forgive me of my sins and write my name in the book of life. Help me to live for you every day of my life. All these and more, I ask in Jesus name.” Amen!

Welcome to the Lord’s Army!

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