BSM: The Aremus


It all began in January 2014. There was someone who had been a casual friend for a long time and I felt some sense of comfort that she could be the one, as we had been friends for quite a while.

My people also felt comfortable with my moves as we were more like family friends. So in the first week of January, I asked and she said I came quite late and she had been expecting me to speak for a long time but I didn’t. Well, to me that sure meant that the avenue was closed. Besides, I also told her that the chapter is closed since she was already engaged and I wouldn’t want to destroy another person’s relationship to build mine.

I recovered from that seeming disappointment with God’s word in my spirit saying His Plans are Perfect…The next day, I asked God if I can still find another virtuous woman that would be fit for me again. Not too long after, I met Sis Toyin Adebowale.

We met in a youth forum I think towards January ending and got talking as acquaintances. I was also drawn to the gospel work she was doing which made me want to be a normal casual friend, so our level of friendship grew to casual levels as we found out that we had quite a number of things in

We were chatting maybe once or twice a week and at a point, it was getting closer and I observed I had a crush on her and I told her. She was of the opinion that we should give ourselves some distance, but I opined that there is no need for that as I assumed I was capable of dealing with the crush as it was. The little distance we attempted to create led to an increased desire for friendship. Then, I searched my spirit and began connecting some dots. My prayer for my marriage had commenced as far back as when I was in JSS3, even covering up to my children. That’s a story for another day.

Then I started to pray definitely about her and I also told my family as my custom is to always inform them anytime I was starting to like anybody or when anybody is on my mind. We prayed along together but I had done my private personal prayers earlier. I was convinced. Mum was. Dad was.  My younger sister was also convinced. We all had our confirmations.

I told her I loved her and would want us to kick start something eternal but I told her to go and pray about it and also get convinced. Thankfully, it was confirmed by God. 31st May 2014 in Akure I proposed, she agreed and her pastor prayed over us after some number of questions about salvation experience, genotype, conviction etc.

We later had our introduction in June 2015 and we sealed the eternal deal in the presence of our Maker who brought us together and our family and friends on Jan 15/16 2016 which happened to be our birthdays….

The Path of the Just shines Brighter and Brighter unto the perfect Day!


We were together in a youth forum. I didn’t notice him though, neither did I know he was one of my Facebook friends until he sent a message to me on the 12th of February, 2014. A conversation ensued and he asked for my BBM pin and dropped his. I don’t give my pin out nor send a request to anyone not well known but I can’t explain how it happened I added him up immediately (now I’m feeling shy, hold on, I never love up o, don’t just know what happened *smiles)

So, gradually we started talking. We got close as friends. We were just friends and out of the blues, emotion surfaced. We had to give the friendship a break as suggested by me so as not to offend each other. He broke the break rule and told me he’s crushing on me *laughs* huh crush ke, bros abeg I no wan wahala, go and pray. After a while, love made him run down to Akure to propose to me on the 31st of May, 2014. Guess what? I accepted *winks* and he surprisingly put a ring on it.

Don’t be surprised, I also prayed and was convinced. I checked this handsome godly man out so well and so it wasn’t a problem to say yes when he came asking me for marriage on his knees and that was how it all started till now by His grace.

As God would have it, my birthday is January 15th and he is January 16th which is also our wedding dates, 15th and 16th May, 2014 was also my conviction dates, he’s really my 5&6…..

Oba, as I do call him, is really my valuable, admirable jewel of unquantifiable worth, I am glad being your wife not only because it is God ordained but because your heart is my best home. I love you my 5&6.



I will love you forever….

He who finds a wife has found a good thing and obtained favour from the Lord, God brought the woman to the man to validate the presence and favour of God on his life… Oluwatoyin mi, you are the indisputable evidence of God’s presence and favour upon my life and I’m most glad that this favour I have found with God in you would remain till eternity.. Yours Eternal, Segun

I’ve known what love really means since the day I met you, you are my definition of true love and perfect commitment. Oluwasegun, you are my best gift from God, you made my waiting worthwhile my pride. I love you now and forever…. Toyin

God is love, and love is God… Glad to know that we both have God which is the love in us, hence giving us the capacity to express the experienced love of God we have, together we shall be forever by His grace. We are set to build a model home to marriages in this generation and generations to come by His grace. Our home is not a lesson but an example and a standard by His grace. As we seal our love as ordained by love Himself which is God; our love, therefore, becomes unending and eternal till He tarries.

Bliss forever. Segun & Toyin


What lessons did you learn from the Aremus? Feel free to share

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  1. You know I’ll be the first one here!!!
    O my chest 😭🥰♥️🥰😍😍🥰🥰♥️
    I love love!!!! ♥️♥️♥️
    I particularly love the guy’s family. How he carries them along and how they pray along with him. I also like that he respected that his close friend was in a relationship and he didn’t feel the need to keep pressing but went back to pray.
    I love the fact that hot Gentleman and Lady(Sis Toyin) are in tune with God which made it really to know his mind concerning the both of them.
    I love that there are still people that sincerely seek the mind of God concerning this very important decision of our lifes.
    God shall continue to bless you home!!!!
    Ire we want more!!!!!!!💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

    1. 😂😂😂.. me I know that this kinda thing use to sweet you.

      But really, I enjoyed reading their story. Also, the fact that they’ve kept at it since then ☺️☺️.. amazing!

      Don’t worry, more is coming. Every Thursday this month! 😀

  2. You know I’ll be the first one here!!!

    O my chest 😭😍😍♥️♥️

    I love love!!!! ♥️♥️♥️

    I particularly love the guy’s family. How he carries them along and how they pray along with him. I also like that he respected that his close friend was in a relationship and he didn’t feel the need to keep pressing but went back to pray.

    I love the fact that both the Gentleman(Bro Segun) and Lady(Sis Toyin) are in tune with God which made it really easy to know his mind concerning the both of them.

    I love that there are still people that sincerely seek the mind of God concerning this very important decision.

    God shall continue to bless you home!!!!

    Ire we want more!!!!!!!💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

  3. Amazing story! I learnt a number of things but I’ll share just three.

    1. That the first attempt at getting into a relationship failed doesn’t mean love has shut it’s gates against you. Even if you had faults or lapses, God still gives second(multiple) chances.

    Maybe Mr Segun didn’t speak to the first sis on time but hey, he’s married to an obviously amazing woman today.

    2. If it’s God ordained, He will give you the password. He will give you access.

    Sis Toyin said she usually wouldn’t give people she did not really know her BBM pin but she gave bro Segun, added him up immediately and the lines began to fall in pleasant places.*Lol* She didn’t understand why she did what she did.

    It may look ordinary to anyone but she probably had prayed one day in the past, “Lord give future hubby easy access to my heart. Give him the key”. He probably had also said a similar prayer and the Lord did it.

    3. You’ve got to involve God in your choice of a spouse.

    The story is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Awwwwwwn.
    So lovely and sweet.

    Love is sweet when the right one is involved.

    Well-done sir.

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