One of my favorite accounts in the Bible is that of Joshua, Aaron, Hur and Moses. It can be found in Exodus 17. As Joshua fought against the Amalekites, the other three people went to the top of the hill. It turned out that whenever Moses raised his hands, Israel was winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, Amalek was winning.
But Moses’ hands got tired. So they got a stone and set it under him. He sat on it and Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on each side. So his hands remained steady until the sun went down. Joshua defeated Amalek and its army in battle.
We see the example of Aaron & Hur helping Moses to victory. It teaches us that we need to be there for our friends and fellow members of the body of Christ.
There is also another perspective I see here. In this account, Moses was weak and the other guys helped him stay strong. I wonder if there was a time when one of the other guys was weak and Moses helped him stay strong. Sort of like a revolving chair. My mind goes to Exodus 32 when Aaron made a golden calf for the Israelites. He most definitely would have needed help at that point.
At some points, we are in positions to receive help. At other points, we are in positions where we need help. In the journey of life and in the Christian race in particular, we need others to go far. No one is an island.
When one soldier is hit and hurting, it is the responsibility of those around to pick him or her up and get her to safety. The wounded soldier after healing, would be in a position to help others as well as those who helped him.
In this battle, we don’t leave wounded soldiers on the battlefront. We pull them. We drag them. We get them out of danger. We recognize that we have a common adversary – The Devil, and we work towards being victorious.
It’s our duty. And as we hear the Call of Duty, I pray that we will answer it.
“Help carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2
Are there people who have helped you at times when you were hurt? Reach out to them and let them know you appreciate them ❤️