We are living through unprecedented happenings. The world is almost on lockdown. Our vocabulary is being updated with new words and old words are being given new meanings. Isolation. Quarantine. Social distancing. Lockdown. These words are almost becoming a non negotiable part of our daily conversations.
In times like this, with no certainty of the duration of the problem, it is easy to be drowned in fear and worry. It’s safe to guess that a few of us have recently wondered if the symptoms we had are a reflection of the presence of the virus.
For instance, after dusting the house, you sneeze. Or after taking a bike through a dusty path, you cough. For some, you had a long day and you woke up the following day, worried that you had a fever.
These occurrences may lead you to mentally trace your steps. Who did I sit beside in the bus this morning? Did I sanitize my hands after I collected the change from the meat seller? Was the gap between myself and the bike rider up to six feet? You know the feeling right?
In the midst of all these, we are reminded that we have God. The One who is in control of everything. We will be considering four of God’s roles in our lives which apply to this season and indeed to every season. In these times, we are reminded that God is our…
1) Peace.
We are in challenging times. Worrisome. Troubling. Fearful. Any of these words can be chosen to describe the conditions we are experiencing. Nations are concerned. Businesses are worried. Individuals are afraid. Peace is scarce.
There was a time in scriptures when the disciples of Christ were afraid that they would sink as they faced a storm that was getting worse. In all these, Jesus was sleeping in the boat. Imagine!
Peace, therefore, is not the absence of the storm, it is the presence of the Saviour! The news may get worse. The pandemic might wreck more havoc. But we will not lose our peace because we have Jesus. No matter what happens, our hearts and eyes will remain fixed on Him, because He is our peace.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.
Psalms 46:1-2
2) Protector.
Security agents of nations and organizations are on overdrive, working hard to ensure that people adhere to the laid down rules, and also to prevent the breakdown of law and order.
Sanitizers and face masks are being produced on a scale rarely seen before, and distributed to communities all over the world in order to keep people safe from the virus.
Apart from physical protection however, we need God’s help to protect our minds. It is easy for us to fall into old harmful habits because of the absence of structure and support. Also, depression and suicidal thoughts can (re)surface if we do not guard our hearts with all diligence.
It is important for us to realize in times like this, that God is our ultimate protector. We are to obey instructions given by healthcare practitioners and organizations. More importantly however, we are to look to God for protection of our minds and bodies.
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3
3) Provider.
There have been calls from various quarters on the need to stock up on basic items that are needed for survival in the case of a total lockdown. This information is quite important in the face of uncertainty.
Those who do not have the luxury of sufficient disposable income and as such cannot stock up so much, have been left to do the little they can. While those who have more to spend have gotten food items and other necessities that would last for a while.
It is therefore easy for those who have some things in store to trust in them as the source of provision in these times. This is a danger we must guard against.
Whether in famine or in plenty, God remains our provider! Our hope is not in what we have or what we do not have in store. Our hope is in the One who owns the Heavens and the earth! Our hope is in God.
For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.’ 1 Kings 17:14
4) Physician.
Hymns are a great way of expressing our hearts to God. One of my favorites is “The Great Physician Now is Near”. I particularly love the interpretation in my mother tongue.
In these times, there will be some who will experience discomfort in one way or the other. It might be physical illnesses that have been present for a while, emotional traumas that are returning as a result of the circumstances or financial problems that are magnified by the times we are in.
God wants you to know that He is the Great Physician and He is willing to heal you. No matter the nature of the illness. He is willing to give you ideas and the ability to execute them in order to make wealth. He is willing to bring closure to those wounds that have plagued you for ages. He is willing! Are you willing to call on Him today?
Now when the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various diseases brought them to him, and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them. Luke 4:40
As we live through these times, we are reminded that they will soon be over. A cure will soon be found. Solutions will soon emerge. The siege will soon be lifted.
However, we are also reminded that life as we know it, will one day be over, when we are called home or our Master returns. If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, today is a great opportunity!
Say this prayer, “Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of your son who you sent to die for me and save me from the bondage of sin. I admit I’m a sinner and I come to you to save me. I surrender my life to you and ask that you will be my Lord and Saviour. Thank you for salvation. Thank you for new life in Christ. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.”
Welcome to the family!
As you go this week, be reminded that we are not alone in these uncertain times. We have God. He’s our Peace, our Protector, our Provider and our Physician!!!
Have a wonderful week 😃
Come, Lord Jesus.
He is our Peace, Protector, Provider, Physician. Amen.