Caleb fixed his gaze on the stars. It was night and the camp was asleep. It had been a difficult journey for him; most of his friends had died along the way. He was grateful for life, but there was a loneliness that came from being an elder statesman. It was only Joshua that was his contemporary among the multitude that were headed for Canaan, the Promised Land.
Caleb felt a tug on his cloth. It was his grandson, Eliadab. The lad was growing into a fine young man.
E: Grandpa, what are you doing awake? Don’t you want to sleep?
C: My boy, I will have enough sleep at the other side of the river.
E: Which river, father?
C: I don’t mean an actual river son. I mean when I am dead.
E: You are not dying anytime soon, Grandpa! No way.
C: I believe so.
E: Grandpa, I have a question.
C: Go ahead, lad.
E: There are lots of people within the camp who are saying that we would die in the wilderness like most people in your generation did. They claim that God does not have the ability to grant us victory over the giants in the land and thus give us the land. Is that true, Grandpa?
C: No, young man. That is not true. As a matter of principle, you must be careful who you listen to. Remember my experience, don’t you? We were twelve men who were sent to spy the land. 2 of us brought a good report, the other 10 brought a bad report. The people listened, believed them and grumbled against the Lord and His anointed. God decided to was the wipe out all who rebelled.
E: Hmm.
C: You’ve heard that story several times. So, let me give you an answer to your question. When I was just a little boy in Egypt, Moses came and told us that God would deliver us from captivity. It seemed unbelievable to us. The Egyptians were so powerful that there was no way they would let all of us go.
E: Hmm.
C: Miraculously, God delivered us! I am here as a testimony of God’s faithfulness. So, you see boy, I am living in the reality of what God said. That gives me assurance that I will live to experience the manifestation of what God is saying.
E: Hmmm!
C: If God said he would deliver us from Egypt and he did. Then as He is saying He will take us to the Promised Land, I believe He will do it. Faithful is He that promised, He will definitely bring it to pass.
E: I’m so encouraged! Thank you, Grandpa.
C: You are welcome son. Go back to the tent and get some rest. We have a long way to go tomorrow.
Ire: One of the things that baffles me is the reaction of the Israelites after the Red sea encounter. Not long after these people saw God do the impossible by parting the Red Sea to deliver them, they complained about lack of water and some even longed for Egypt! Imagine o. How in the world would they do such a thing!?
It was this act of unbelief that got God so angry that He said that none of them would enter the Promised Land.
As we look at the Israelites in anger and reprimand them, I sense God calling us to examine ourselves.
For Bisi, the young lady who got married after years of delay, questioning God when she did not get pregnant the month after her wedding. For Ade, the blind man who got healed at a crusade, who is complaining that he has no good shoe to wear.
For Adebisi, who was gifted a plate of pounded yam, egusi and goat meat, frowning her face because she was not given a spoon?! 😂
God wants us to realize that His track record of consistent faithfulness means He can be trusted. He has shown himself dependable on several occasions in your life. What makes you think this one would be an exception?
Like Caleb explained to his grandchild in the story, God’s faithfulness in the past gives us assurance of His faithfulness in the present and in the times to come.
Are you asking God questions? Are you wondering whether He will come through for you or not?
God is telling you that He will come through for us, as He has always done. You will not be put to shame. That business will not fold up. That home will not break up. That sickness will not be the end of you. God will step in! You will come back to Zion with rejoicing and testimonies of His faithfulness. Soon. Very soon!
You will see. God will see to it.
Have a great day!
Hebrews 10:23 – “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
Thanks for the encouragement Ire. The wisdom with which you present the biblical viewpoint is truly divine. More grace dearly beloved.
May the Lord bless you; may He keep coming through with all His promises for you as well in Jesus name.
Amen! Thank you so much for your encouragement. It means a lot and I appreciate you. God bless you sir. Amen 😃🙏🏾
Thanks for sharing in simple terms.
He has a track record of keeping to his promise. In the face of new trials, We need to always take comfort in how he came through in the past.