I had a really long day. The people were eager to hear what the Father wanted to say through me and I didn’t hesitate to sow the seeds. I taught them about the Parable of the Sower, the Parable of the Growing Seed and the Parable of the Mustard Seed among others. Sincerely, I was tired. I couldn’t wait to get on the boat. The crowd was still there encouraging me to speak on, but I knew that to remain relevant, I had to find time to be refreshed.

“Andrew! Andrew!” I called. “Get your brothers together and Let us go over to the other side”. Just before I laid on the cushion, I sought the Father’s agenda for tomorrow. He told me there was one person he had in mind for me to meet. The person in question was a man who was designed from the beginning of creation to be a great evangelist. However, he had been afflicted by the devil and I was going to set him free. The demon-possessed man of Gadarenes was the reason for our journey. I smiled, closed my eyes and drifted away.

Suddenly, I had someone shouting “Rabbi! Rabbi!!” from a place sounded distant. Slowly but surely, the voice came closer. It was Thomas leading the crew. Phillip tapped me and then like a choir, the disciples chorused with panic written all over their faces: “Rabbi, don’t you care if we drown?” I shook my head. I was heavy hearted. These ones that I had called out didn’t know the depth of my love for them. They didn’t realize that there was no way I would allow the enemy to take their lives. I sighed. Then, I made my way to the deck. I knew the storm was meant to stop us from delivering the great evangelist in Gadarenes, but I also knew that the created had to bow to the Creator. So, I rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Peace! Be still!”… and there was complete calmness.


On my way back to the stern, I wondered. Did my disciples really think that I would leave them to perish? Did they misunderstand my silence for abandonment? Oh, how much farther from the truth could they have been? Did they forget that it was I who commissioned the journey by saying “Let us go over to the other side”? Did they forget that I am committed to helping them fulfill their divine purpose? Did they forget…?

Dear reader, are you asking like the disciples “Lord, do you not care if I perish?” Are you overwhelmed by the winds of the pressures of life? Are you at a point where it seems like it is all doom and gloom? Today, I want to encourage you. As long as the Prince of Peace is in your boat (life), there will be peace…eventually. The storm will rage. The wind will blow. The trials will come…but, you will overcome. You are more than a conqueror. “…Hupernikao

PS. The story is fictional. Hupernikao is a greek word which means “…to be more than a conqueror” or “super conquerors”. Sounds familiar? Check out Romans 8:37

  1. We are indeed more than conquerors! I add another word in Latin: Invictus – meaning Unconquered. We will conquer the enemy while we ourselves remain UnCONQUERED!

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