“Ni Ojuelegba o, they know my story…” The driver sang as I entered the bus. I smiled. As I sat down, I brought out my phone and started my morning routine; My YouVersion Bible app, WhatsApp, Facebook, Nairaland and Goal.com. About a minute after I sat down, a pretty young lady got in and sat beside me. She smiled. I smiled. .. Then, I looked back at my phone.
One thing about me is that I can be quiet. In some situations, I can be somewhere and not say a word. All you will get from me is one-word answers and reactions: Hmm, Kai, etc. If you are lucky, you will get two words: Ehn ehn, Hmm Hmm, Oga o. *smiles*. Well, back to me and the lady. Somehow somehow, I felt a nudge in my heart to talk to her. I didn’t want to. I was reading one interesting article and I didn’t want to stop my flow. Well, as we got close to my destination, I reluctantly obeyed the leading. I looked at her and smiled, “Hello. You look nice.” She smiled and said Thank You. I felt good. “Please, can I have your number?” She nodded. We exchanged contacts and at the next bus stop, I alighted.
Now, scientists have proven that the right time to call a lady is 3.142 days after you get her number. That way you ensure that you don’t seem eager or disinterested. (na joke o. That figure na the value of Pi o). Well, moving on. Her name is Ayomide. She is a really interesting person. I called her and instantly we clicked. We talked like old friends. I added her on Fb and followed her on Instagram.
One night as we chatted, I jokingly called her Mummy Mission. She replied, “Lol. No way. Me I am not a church person. At least not any longer. Most church folks are hypocrites; their words and actions are like parallel lines that cannot meet.” I sighed… Then I replied, “Ay. I’m a Christian, and I’m unashamed to be one. I am not perfect, but as Paul said in Philippians 3:12, I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Just because some people disappoint you doesn’t mean you should give up on Christ. We are all work-in-progress. Your standard should be Christ and not anyone else”.
That was two weeks ago. To cut the long story short, last night Ay agreed to “give this Jesus thing a second chance”. Although it is not a definitive step, like Prophet Elijah I am convinced that the cloud as small as a man’s hand would soon lead to heavy rainfall. Ayomide would soon be saved.
Writer’s comment: In John 4, Jesus gives us a model of evangelism that we should all seek to emulate. He transformed a normal activity (getting water) into a meeting that had eternal consequences for a woman and the entire city of Samaria. In our daily activities, God wants us to be contagious Christians who influence the world and turn the world upside down. He wants us to be intentional about sharing our faith. To be honest, I am not good at this. However, I pray that God will help us to be sensitive to His Spirit and obedient to His leading. I pray that we will never become rigid and set in our ways such that we don’t allow God to interrupt us. I pray that God will make us catalysts and agents of change in our different fields. He will help us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world that He intends. Amen.
PS. It would be unfair to say this story is fictional. Honestly. Why? Well, because the entire thing actually happened … (in my mind). *smiles* Thanks for reading. Don’t forget that God wants YOU to be a CONTAGIOUS CHRISTIAN that makes the best use of opportunities to lead people to Christ. I’m looking forward to reading your views. I’m sure they will bless others too. Shalom!
More about this budding friendship!
🙂 Haha
It’s fiction actually. Happened only in my mind
Waaaaaaat???!!!!! Apostle must hear this!!!!!! Fiction bawo! Ire why you gotta do like that… for months now Iv been planning how I’m gonna do follow up on you and Ay! Don’t play with me 😒👊🏽
😂😂😂… It is fiction na. Ayo exists in my imagination. Awwn. Sorry about all your plans o. E ma binu. Ayo is very sorry 😂😂😜
Thank you sir for this beautiful message passed across in a funny way. Merci.
Thanks bro!!