
To God who loved me even when I didn’t love him, I say Thank You. Thank You for loving me despite my flaws, failings and shortcomings. You have shown me so much mercy… much more than I deserve.

Sometimes, as I read the Bible, I get the feeling that those people I read about somehow had special powers. I read about Abraham almost sacrificing Isaac, Daniel surviving in the den of lions, Esther risking her life for her people and other great encounters and I am tempted to see these people not just as heroes but perhaps as superheroes. I don’t think I’m alone in this line of thought.

As a result, we unconsciously put Bible characters on a different scale. We see them as people who lived in a different world. We often forget that the heroes of faith we read about and seek to learn from faced challenges similar to those we face. The Bible speaks of Elijah as a “man of like passions” (James 5:17)… that is, he was a human being, even as we are. That is where the title of this book came from.

In the pages of this book, we learn from the lives of 7 characters in the Bible and unveil the connections that we have with these people that we read about. It is my prayer that as you read, you will find God and hear Him speak to you. I pray that the lessons learnt would be applied. I pray that in this Christian race, we will run well and finish strong. Amen.

This is the download link… Men of Like Passions

So…what are you waiting for? Go ahead, download, read and be blessed. Feel free to share with your friends and loved ones! Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. Ire. Thank you for this piece. It is quite instructive and inspirational. Every heavenly minded christian need to read it and particularly the young people should read through and live by the lessons. May God bless your fountain of inspiration, always keeping fresh in Jesus name.

    A must read for all. Thank you again.

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