“But you did not tell me! How was I meant to know?”
That was 2 years ago. David had become a frequent visitor at the hospital and the pharmacy beside his house. The nurses knew him; the pharmacist was familiar with his prescription.
“Oga Dave! Good morning o. You are here again. The usual abi?” That was how he was greeted anytime he showed up.
One evening, two months ago, David was scrolling through YouTube and came across the livestream of a church program. The Pastor raised a hymn and the congregation sang with him.
“The great Physician now is near,
the sympathizing Jesus;
He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,
Oh! hear the voice of Jesus.
Sweetest note in seraph song,
sweetest name on mortal tongue;
sweetest carol ever sung,
Jesus, blessed Jesus!”
The preacher continued, “Jesus can heal any sickness. I am not just saying it; I have experienced it. And so, if you are sick or there is a constant pain in any part of your body, let us pray together. Isaiah chapter 53 vs. 5 says…”
David closed the application. He was tired of these passages! He was tired of the unfulfilled promises! He was tired of these pastors! If Jesus could heal, he should have been healed by now.
Twitter seemed like a better option, so David logged in and scrolled through his timeline. However, he was restless. Something kept nudging him to the YouTube channel. After fifteen minutes, he gave in.
“Jesus is waiting for you. This is the first time in a long time that our service has exceeded the stipulated time. But I can’t just shake off the nudging in my spirit. There is someone listening to me. Your days of weeping are over.”
And with those words, David began to weep. He knew that an end had come to his days of sorrow and pain. He didn’t know how it happened, but he was sure that Jesus had healed him.
He made a mental note to visit the hospital in the morning. He would confirm the physical manifestation of what had happened in the spiritual realm.
Romans 8:11 – And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.
1 Samuel 1:27 – For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me the request that I asked of him.
Iremide: I have read and heard that God performs miracles. I have experienced God performing miracles in my life. His resurrection power breaks protocols for His children, heals any sickness, and makes the impossible become a possibility.
And so today, as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, I pray that you will experience His resurrection power in your life, home, career, academics, and business. All the good things that have died will come alive in Jesus name.
For those who have not surrendered their lives to Christ, this Easter will mark the beginning of your walk with Christ. You will experience the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Happy Easter!