Undeterred. Adj. – persevering with something despite setbacks

He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Luke 18:38-39

“At what point do you give up? When would you stop deceiving yourself? It’s been six years, Ade. Six years. Don’t you think your God has had enough time to show Himself in this situation?”

Ade could hear the voice in his mind. It was a familiar voice. One could not shake off.

“During these six years, you have given your life to Christ, gotten baptized and ministered to several souls. You have led tens of people to Christ, with great testimonies, but your life… well, your life has gotten even worse. Why don’t you consider the option your mother told you about?”

There was no way Ade would consider that useless option! No way! He had been bought with a price. The precious blood of Jesus. The Lord had cancelled every charge of his legal indebtedness, which stood against him and condemned him. He was redeemed! He was saved!

As he made those declarations which had become a part of his routine, he heard his phone ring. It was his mother.

Pastor Ebenezer picked up his phone and called his mentor. He needed to get the burden off his chest. The vision had been haunting him for days, with no end in sight. When he shared the vision and his previous act of disobedience to God with his wife, she was worried.

“My dear, what happened? You know how the Lord speaks to you; so why did you not mention that young man’s case?”

Pastor E, as he was fondly called, shook his head. “My dear, I could not imagine that there would be someone in the congregation with that kind of problem. I wondered how a human being would have feathers growing on his body. I was afraid that if I made the call nobody would answer, and I would be ashamed. If I knew then what I know now, I would have made the call regardless of any possible disappointment.”

His wife comforted him. “Sorry, my dear. Just call Baba and let him know. I believe he will be of help.”

Pastor E: Baba! Good evening, sir. I am sorry it has been a few days. How are you doing sir?

Baba: Ebenezer, my son! I am so happy to hear from you. The Lord told me to expect your call. He has been impressing your image in my heart for the past few days. At some point I wanted to call you, but He told me you will call.

Pastor E smiled. His father had not lost the connection to heaven.

For ten minutes, Baba listened intently, responding with sounds of “hmm” and “ahh”. After Ebenezer concluded his account, Baba responded.

Baba: Hmm. Ebenezer. This is serious. I perceive that the Lord would have you seek out the young man that he has been showing you in the vision. How? I do not know, but I strongly sense that your obedience in this case is important to the answer to your family’s prayer point that has seemingly been unanswered for years.

Ebenezer was lost in thought. He could not see any connection between the mystery “feather” man and his family’s prayer point, but, in the past few days, he had learnt not to question God.

Ebenezer: Thank you, Baba. I will try and find this man. I don’t even know how but I will trust God to make our paths cross. Thank you for always, sir.

Ade picked his mother’s call.

Ade’s mother: Sangofunmi, why have you been avoiding my calls? Ki lo se le? What is wrong?

Ade: Mummy, I am no longer Sangofunmi. I am now Adeoluwa. My old self has been crucified with Christ.

Ade’s mother: Why are you deceiving yourself? You can deceive everyone but not yourself. Your body tells the truth. Abi are the feathers no longer there again? Has your Jesus taken them away?

Ade was angry. She was the only one that knew his secret, and he wished he could tell her that Christ had healed him. If for nothing else, his healing would be proof of God’s Lordship.

Ade’s mother: You are not talking again o. Are you still there? My son, please come and do what you need to do. Once you offer the sacrifice at Sango’s shrine, the feathers will disappear. I assure you.

Ade: No mama! I am never going to do that. Jesus will heal me.

Ade’s mother: Tell him to heal you on time o. The next phase of Sango’s attack will be worse.

Ade sat at the front row. He sang, screamed, and prayed with all his heart. He desperately needed God’s healing touch. He knew that there was usually an altar call during the service, and he had made up his mind to answer the call, no matter whether his problem was called or not.

Pastor Ebenezer was not happy that he would not be in church. He felt the mystery “feather” man would be around again, and there would be a chance for him to make things right. However, he had to obey the Senior Pastor’s instruction to represent him at another branch. Pastor Thomas would minister in his place.

Ade ran forward the moment he heard the Pastor make the altar call.

Pastor Thomas: “No matter what problem you came here with, the Lord asked me to tell you that it is settled. You are healed in Jesus name. Go and check yourself!”

Ade shouted “Amen” and a vision flashed in his mind. He saw himself shouting in a room, “It is gone! I am healed!! Thank you, Jesus.”

After the service, Ade rushed home in expectation. He was eager to take off his clothes and see the evidence of answered prayers.

Ade woke up at 3:00am in tears. He had slept off crying. The feathers were still there.

Episode 2 ends.

Iremide: To be undeterred is to keep persevering despite setbacks. There are so many situations where having faith is really difficult. For example, you have been un(der)employed for years and God tells you that He will make you an employer with companies in various countries. Or you have been trusting God for the fruit of the womb for years, with no pregnancy, and God tells you He will give your family the gift of twins. In these cases, having faith is tough. However, it could get even tougher when you see any appearance of the miracle, only for things to get worse.

For example, imagine any family that has been expectant for eight years without a pregnancy, getting pregnant, and then experiencing a miscarriage. Or an individual who has been un(der)employed for six years, getting to the final stage of the recruitment process of a multinational company, but not getting the job.

Do you think these people’s faith would be stronger or weaker?

It is difficult to persevere in the face of setbacks. However, we are not without help. We are not without assurance.

In the book of Hebrews chapter 10 verse 23, we are encouraged to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Are you reading this with doubts in your heart? Are you wondering if you have the capacity to hope again? To trust again? To believe in God again? Today, the Lord is speaking to you. He wants you to be undeterred by the setbacks. He wants you to trust again. He wants you to believe again. He wants you to hold unswervingly to His promise, knowing that He is faithful to bring His word to pass in your life.

You will experience the miraculous. I am sure. You will experience the healing, saving and mighty hands of God. I am convinced. You will have testimonies by the grace of God. It is well with you in Jesus name. Amen.

Are you wondering what happens to Ade and Pastor Ebenezer’s family? Well, I am also wondering. Next week Friday is just a week away! See you soon!

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