Unhinged. Meaning – deprive of stability; throw into disorder.
“Baba, tell this wicked witch to leave my house. She cannot stay here this night. There is no way. The Bible says we should not allow a witch to live. It also says that all those who practice witchcraft will have their place in the lake of fire. They will die the second death. Baba, see ehn, tell this witch to leave my house.”
Baba had never seen his mentee in this frame of mind. Ebenezer had thrown his wife’s properties out of their room and was prepared to throw them out of the house.
His wife was crying. “Ah! Aye mi. My life is finished. Baba, please help me beg him. Tell him not to allow the devil to destroy our home. Pleaseee!!”
Ebenezer: Which devil? The one you wine and dine with? Or another one? No wonder my ministry has not moved forward. Everything has been stagnant. No car. No savings. No children! No. No. No. No progress. Nothing. Now I understand. It has been you all along! Where is that marriage certificate sef?
Baba Alade knew he had to step in. He could not allow things get worse.
Baba: Ebenezer, stop that now.What is wrong with you?
Ebenezer: Baba, I am sorry sir, but the fact is that I cannot believe I have been living a lie all these years. I wonder if she is really a Christian.
Baba: Haba, Ebenezer. Ko to yen. It is not that bad. Please can you hold on for a few minutes so I can listen to your wife?
Ebenezer: My what? Baba, that…
Baba: Ebenezer, keep quiet! Ahan! Oya, my daughter, tell me the story. What happened?
Funmi’s mind flashed back to the village. The day she met Christ. During a crusade, she went out to answer the call of Christ. The whole village was agog with the news of the conversion. The Chief Priest’s daughter had accepted the religion of the strange people.
Instantly, her father disowned her. “You are a bastard! Today, you are dead to me. I no longer have a daughter.” The words rang over again in her heart.
Ebenezer: Bisi or Funmi, or whatsoever you call yourself. Didn’t you hear that Baba asked you a question? Or have you gotten to another meeting with your fellow witches?
She shook her head, cleared her throat, and began her story.
Bisi: My name is Adebisi, but that was not the name given to me at my birth. My birth name was Sangofunmi.
Ebenezer screamed. “Oh God of mercy! What have I gotten myself into? I have been living with Sango! Ah! Jesu! Saanu fun mi. Have mercy on me, Lord Jesus.”
Baba: Ebenezer, if you don’t allow me to listen, I will return home. Your wife called me here because you were about to send her packing. If you don’t respect my presence, then I will leave.
Ebenezer: Baba, I am very sorry sir. You know I have never acted this way in your presence. Please sir, it is just that this issue is painful.
Baba: I know, but the only way we can get a solution is by listening.
Bisi told her husband and their spiritual father her salvation story. Her real salvation story. As they listened in disbelief, several miles away, Adeoluwa was in tears.
“I should have just kept quiet. Why did I mention her name? I should have just pretended like I didn’t know her.
But it was not my fault nau. How was I supposed to know that she didn’t tell her husband that her father is Sangolabi, the great Chief Priest? My reaction was because of the shock I felt seeing the sister to the person who was threatening to kill my mother. There was no way I could have imagined that Pastor Ebenezer’s wife was Aunty Sangofunmi. How was I to know? How!
Chief Priest: My son, bring my phone. I want to call Adeoluwa to beg for his mercy. He is the reason I cannot see again.
Sangodele: Baba, you can’t beg him o. We spoke to him and told him that if you don’t see in three days, we will kill his mother.
Chief Priest: Ah!Do you want to kill me? Did you forget the first rule I told you at the shrine?
Sangodele: No Baba, you said that no one can be victorious in a battle against the Great One.
Chief Priest: Exactly! So, bring my phone right away.
Baba Alade did not know what to say. He had to admit that he was surprised by Bisi’s deceitfulness. He wondered if there was any truth in anything she had said in the past. Ebenezer truly had the right to be angry. Alade felt he would have behaved the same way, or maybe even worse…
Suddenly Alade remembered. His mind flashed back to the phone conversation he had with Ebenezer, as they spoke about the “feathered man”.
Hmm. Ebenezer. This is serious. I perceive that the Lord would have you seek out the young man that he has been showing you in the vision. How? I do not know, but I strongly sense that your obedience in this case is important to the answer to your family’s prayer point that has seemingly been unanswered for years.
At the time, Alade felt the mystery man would be a medical doctor who would help Ebenezer and his wife in their search for a child. But it seemed like God had other plans.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Alade knew it was the Lord speaking to him, and although he was not sure how things would go, he was sure that God was involved in all of the drama and uncertainty.
Baba Alade: Bisi, please pause for a minute. Ebenezer, do you remember what I told you when you told me about your vision of a man with feathers?
Ebenezer: Yes sir, you said that I should make sure that I find the man.
Baba: Ehen, what else did I say?
Ebenezer: I am sorry. I can’t remember at the moment sir.
Baba: Well, I told you that I strongly sense that your obedience in this case is important to the answer to your family’s prayer point that has seemingly been unanswered for years.
The Lord just brought those words back to my mind. Ebenezer, I know it might be tough for you to believe but the Lord is at work here. Sometimes, things need to be broken down before they can be rebuilt. You need to forgive your wife.
Ebenezer: Baba, what are you saying? How can I forgive someone who deceived me for so many years? How can I forgive someone who presented me with a false identity? How can I…?
Baba: I am not defending her, but I remember she said she took the name Adebisi, after she gave her life to Christ. Her father had said Sangofunmi was dead, so she acted based on his declaration.
Ebenezer: Baba, what are you saying? How can you be taking sides with her? Someone who said she took us to meet with her spiritual father instead of her biological father, for traditional rites. How can someone like that be trusted? How!
Adeoluwa heard his phone ring. He wondered what news the call would bring.
Unknown caller: Hello! Brother Ade! Hello! Can you hear me?
Ade: I can hear you. Who is on the line?
Unknown caller: Brother Ade! Se e n gbo mi? Can you hear me? There is trouble o. Your mother is dead.
Unhinged. Meaning – deprived of stability; thrown into disorder.
Episode 5 ends.
Iremide: In Luke chapter 11 verse 1, we read about a request from the disciples to Jesus. “Lord, teach us to pray.” As He gave them a model for prayer, Christ said “Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.” Hmm!
Also, in Mark chapter 11 verse 25 and 26, Jesus says, “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”
Can you put yourself in Ebenezer’s shoes for a minute? Can you imagine how you would feel if you found out that the person you love the most was deceiving you? Now, imagine how you would feel if you were told to forgive the person? Hmm!
Forgiveness can be difficult, but it is important. It is an instruction from Christ.
Forgive, so that you will be forgiven.
Forgive, because you have been forgiven.
The Lord will help us in Jesus name. Amen
Things are heating up. Ade just got a call about his mother’s death. Sangodele, the Chief Priest, is blind and in need of healing. Ebenezer and his wife (Adebisi or Sangofunmi?) are going through a difficult period. Baba Alade believes that God will bring something good from the pain of his mentees’ family.
I wonder how things would play out. Do you? Well, there’s only one way to find out.
See you next Friday!