Adedunjoye had an interview with the Regional Development Bank CEO the next day. It was the final assessment before he would receive his employment letter. He was determined not to sleep before daybreak, because he knew what would happen if he did. This was the job that was going to end his pain and suffering of several years and he was not going to lose it as he had lost the others.

Ade checked the time, it was 3:44am. He smiled. He was almost there. In a few hours, he would be meeting with the Chief Executive Officer.

At 5:18am, he yawned. It had been a long night and Ade decided to pray before heading for the interview. Suddenly, as prayed, he found himself in the shrine, as he had done several times over the last few years. He knew that he had fallen asleep.

In the dream, the Chief Priest took a spear which was drenched in blood. “Adedunjoye, you know what we are here for. As your father suffered defeat at the edge of victory all his life, you are here to continue the pattern. Like I have done before, I will throw this spear at you, once it pierces your heart, your blood will flow and the success that you are about to experience will be terminated. This is not your first time, so you know how it works. It is a matter of a covenant. You and your seed are destined to suffer in this manner.”

As Adedunjoye watched on, tied to a pillar in the shrine, the Chief Priest threw the spear in his direction. Ade closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable pain in his chest. But nothing came.

He opened one eye, and saw a man, dressed in a bright cloth standing in front of him. The man held the blood-drenched spear in his hand.

“Orisabunmi, you are not allowed to torment my son. He belongs to me now.”

“But Master, there is a covenant of misfortune in his bloodline. It started with his great grandfather, and it has continued with him. His blood must be spilled. He must suffer until he dies. That is the agreement.”

“Orisabunmi, that was the agreement. However, Adedunjoye has surrendered his life to me. He is no longer bound by that covenant. I shed my blood for him, as such, there is no need for him to shed his blood. He has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. He is no longer tied to that evil bloodline. That agreement is over!”

As Ade watched on, the Man in white took the spear and threw it back at the Chief Priest.

In that instant, Ade woke up, drenched in sweat and singing out loud, “O d’ori mi o pa re. O d’ori mi o pa re. Egun idile at’iran di ran. O d’ori mi o pa re. (All ancestral curses and generational limitations are terminated in my life)

And so I pray for you, that every demonic pattern that has held you down and held you back is destroyed in Jesus name. I decree over your life that the power that raised Jesus from the grave will write off any negative agreement in your bloodline.

What stopped others will not stop you. What has stopped you so far in your life will no longer stop you. You are redeemed from every curse and negative generational pattern. You are entering into your God-ordained glory now, and so shall it be, in Jesus name. Amen!

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