Today’s blog post is in form of a question 😁. I ask the question. Share my answers. Then invite you to share yours. Okay? Okay. Less go πŸ’ƒ

  1. Writing 😭 Yours is a milder form. Mine, 😭 I could spend the whole day or hours on end without getting up. Not even to eat or bathe 😭 It’s terrible like that. Not until I have finished what I’m writing or my brain is battering me like, “It’s okay. You can take some rest.” Or “Take a break, it gives you a better perspective.” Even then, before I agree and stand πŸ˜„ That’s the only thing I’ve discovered that can keep my mind so engrossed. Most times I have headache afterwards. I know it’s from the brainstorming. Other times, I feel fulfilled 😊😊

    Francine Rivers also has the ability to keep my mind engrossed. The lady is good. I duff my hat for her.

    Your writing reminds me of her. That’s why you’re one of my favourite Christian fiction writers. There’s this lady on Facebook, Ife Dada, I see you share her writing, too. I haven’t followed her yet, but she writes good, too.

    1. Anita the Writer! Rhymes, right? Hehe. I love writing but I’ve built a mechanism that allows for short breaks. But then, your system is great because there are some pieces that require a concerted effort to birth. Well, different strokes I guess.

      Thanks so much for the compliment. I appreciate! Ife Dada is an excellent writer!! Her blog is You could check it out

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